There’s Something In The Air (Apple MacWorld Expo 2008)

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Apple MacWorld Expo udah bakal rame 2 hari lagi (14 Januari-18 Januari 2008). Apple udah keluarin banner-banner sekemnya dengan theme “There’s Something In The Air”. Hmm… Ada apa dengan Air tonight? 😛


Kalo baca-baca comment user dudulz kocak juga buat iseng-iseng minggu, sbb:

Luis Alejandro Masanti
Uf… I thought the banner says “Love is in the air.” announcing that iTunes will release the free full version of the “The Love Boat” show! January 11, 2008 @ 11:21AM

It means they will sell cans of compressed air called iAir. It will cost $58.00 at the Apple Store.
Posted by: cartouche | Jan 11, 2008 3:06:19 PM said “Better yet, maybe Phil Collins will be performing “In the Air Tonight” after Jobs wraps up the keynote.”

“There is something in the air.”
Yeah, the flying jizz of a million Apple fanbois. January 11, 2008 @ 12:24PM wrote “What could be in the air in 2008? A MacBook Pro so light it floats?”

Whatever that is… it’s fun to read the comment, and it surely a company that enjoy public exposure and media attention (it’s stocks soars above 172 dollars — look at the pity Microsoft only at lowly 33 dollar). Bandingin misalnya dengan KDE4? Too bad not much media attention. Kurang nyekem ceunah 😀 *ngacirrrr

So what’s your predict?

16 Responses to “There’s Something In The Air (Apple MacWorld Expo 2008)”

  1. Firman Says:

    Hmmm…. Mac OS X with Gnome Desktop.. 😀

  2. Diki Says:

    mungkin yg subnotebook tea bukan? tipis-tipis bisa ngapung? (in the air jiga layangan wkwkwkwk)

  3. adinoto Says:

    # Firman Says:
    January 13th, 2008 at 2:54 pm e

    Hmmm…. Mac OS X with Gnome Desktop.. 😀

    => Wakakakaka blackbox meureun 😀 bwakakakaka…. -s we ahhh 😛

  4. adinoto Says:

    # Diki Says:
    January 13th, 2008 at 4:49 pm e

    mungkin yg subnotebook tea bukan? tipis-tipis bisa ngapung? (in the air jiga layangan wkwkwkwk)

    => Yoi, Om Stip biasanya “on air” cuma 2 peristiwa penting (produk), jadi makanya Mac Pro ganas dikeluarin duluan biar juga ga pas MacWorld Expo, berarti ada 2 produk ganas lain yang ga mau adu bintang makanya dibiarin pas MacWorld Expo di announcennya. Yang penasaran satu adalah MacBook Pro Nano tea nu bisa ngapung, jeung naon deui nyak? MacBook Pro Quad Core? Hahahaha ga ah itu sih akhir taon, jadi mungkin Sewa iTunes via Rental?

    Gua predict sih 3G (HSDPA) or WiMax built in di setiap MacBook Pro (WWAN)… Rock it!

  5. fisto Says:

    wah bener, mungkin 3G atau WiMax yah, aa…hummm….cant wait nih…mudah2an 3G iPhone deh ya…ihihihik

  6. Affan Says:

    MBP 12″ yang shiny tapi kuenceng ? mau mau mau… Ah kok gw jadi kemakan sekem gini ya :))

  7. adinoto Says:

    # fisto Says:
    January 13th, 2008 at 8:06 pm e
    wah bener, mungkin 3G atau WiMax yah, aa…hummm….cant wait nih…mudah2an 3G iPhone deh ya…ihihihik

    => Hehehe 3G iPhone? Kayaknya ga sekarang deh. Kalo sekarang bener-bener unpredictable, karena emang ga diperkirakan sekarang. But who knows… Stip getcuuuuu 😀

  8. adinoto Says:

    # Affan Says:
    January 14th, 2008 at 6:03 am e
    MBP 12″ yang shiny tapi kuenceng ? mau mau mau… Ah kok gw jadi kemakan sekem gini ya :))

    => Hehehehe even better, solid state disks 😛

  9. idarmadi Says:

    Kalo MacWorld Expo-nya di Jakarta, ‘something’ = pollution.

    AA sebagai orang dalem, gimana dunk.. kasih bocoran dunk…

  10. Adham Somantrie Says:

    MekBuuk Pro Nano…
    iPhone 2.0…
    MekBuuk Pro Quad? Lucu juga tuh… 😉

  11. mbah dukun Says:

    “something in the air”. hmmm… macbook yang bisa mengeluarkan bau.

  12. Adham Somantrie Says:

    MacBook Air… 1799USD!
    iPhone ama MacBook Pro Quad, WWDC08 kali yah? 😛

  13. Chickenstrip 64: MacBook Air « Comicstrip, Linux, Ruby and Chicken’s Life. Says:

    […] 16, 2008 in Chickenstrip (English) Tags: apple So, my prediction was right. Apple Mac World Expo 2008’s theme “There’s Something In The Air” was […]

  14. HaRzAN Says:

    without ethernet and optical drive? hmmmmmm

  15. Jauhari Says:

    Lewat USB bisa kok mas 😉

  16. Macworld 2008 keynote | my own log Says:

    […] iPhone, memperkenalkan Apple TV take2, dan time capsule. Aa Nata sang juragan batere juga sudah mereview soal macworld 2008 […]

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