TextEdit in Leopard

Macintosh, Social, Technology Add comments

Apple decided to accommodate all the competing standards. The highly tout Microsoft docx and OOXML, and the more friendly .odt

The other thing that interesting is the new RTFD format which rise from NeXTSTEP and Mac OS X root, and ported to other Unices, (too bad no Windows support), which can contained container and lossless images.

I would strongly vote for .odt and against those proprietary formats. My words to authoritative is… have you heard of OpenOffice, folks?

6 Responses to “TextEdit in Leopard”

  1. JaF Says:

    This is something new to me. I’m really expecting to get my ‘claws’ on Leopard ๐Ÿ™‚ .. But perhaps you can enlighten me, is this odt similar to txt ? Because I’m always confused why does TextEdit does not accomodate a “save as txt” ? I use txt more often than word or other text format because of its simplycity. ๐Ÿ™‚

    OOT: Makasih sudah main pak. Salam kenal kembali, walaupun saya sudah lama kenal anda waktu nemu linknya di blognya Mister GBT. Ini nih orang yang bikin saya tambah ngiler sama Mac hehehe…

  2. adinoto Says:

    Hi brother, odt is the format that proposed by http://www.openoffice.org, similar to the “.doc in microsoft world”

    And yes .txt is more simpler format but you can always use the terminal and use nano or vi perhaps hehehe

    And yes, glad to be your blog reader ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll come visit more often ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Adham Somantrie Says:

    still no native .txt creation…. “touch it.txt”, again, and again… ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Bhq Says:

    I love Leopard (and Mac OS X).
    But it’s too expensive for me? Can you offer me the cheap one? ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Niwatori Says:

    Menanti OpenOffice Aqua ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. sai Says:

    Aa nata … texteditnya doang dicopy buat dijalanin di Tiger bisa gak ….hiks…hiks…

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