While busy designing an OPEN city concepts which people can contribute to make their city a better place to live in this link, I would say it is a nice thing to greet Apple and its development team on their new iPod touch! which just announced last night. iPod has been evolve to a great technology sample which can balance art, design, technology and how the technology fits our life. Maybe we can learn something while designing our city, a city that 1. fits its people, 2. comfort, 3. artistic, 4. technology based. While we both working in our own paths, who knows maybe our paths can cross along the line. Welcoming Apple, Google, Microsoft, and others in a very nice mountain side city that has everything? I don’t it’s impossible if you really want to.
Sep 06
September 6th, 2007 at 8:58 am
Gentlements, touch your iPod!
September 6th, 2007 at 10:50 am
mang, dikirim 1 ke cisitu indah :p
September 6th, 2007 at 11:24 am
keren ya…
jadi mupeng nih….
September 6th, 2007 at 4:19 pm
wah, sudah ketinggalan jaman iPod Mini punya saya.
September 6th, 2007 at 8:32 pm
Walah, barang ini toh yang ngebuat ibox gak nyimpen ipod 5th gen lagi…dah gue duga bakal keluar 6th gen….
Tadinya kan spekulasi masyarakat si touch ini yang bakal jadi 6th gen…ternyata gak banyak berbeda yak 6th gen ama 5th gen….
Ngapain juga bikin iphone tanpa phone…(touch)
Kenapa gak jual iphone-nya aja di Indo…
Kenapa lelet banget seh jual iphone, keburu di tap/di contek ama yang lain loh kalo kelamaan….
September 6th, 2007 at 10:41 pm
Irvan, sini mini-nya, saya tuker ama beberapa lembar duit merah mau ga? 😛
Zhar, gak semua orang mau pake smartphone/pdaphone. yakin lah itu. beberapa malah ga suka ponsel dengan ukuran gede.
September 7th, 2007 at 1:45 am
Hahaha, iya seh ya…cuma ngerasa tanggung aja…hahaha….
Yah muga2 aja bener seh kalo emang beda target marketnya….
But obviously gue masuk target market iphone instead of touch….
Suara gimana neh? dah bener blum?
Gue gak suka suara ipod agak2 distorted pecah gitu especially yang low db…
Meski di rack up ama speaker sennheiser bagus tetep pecah…kacaw dah….
Jauh banget suara ipod ama n91…bagusan n91 kemana-mana…
But why am i buying 2 ipod (nano+video) rather than 2 n91…why????????
AAAAaaaagh, guilty pleasure….hahaha….
September 7th, 2007 at 8:10 am
To Zhar:
Ngapain juga bikin iphone tanpa phone…(touch)
Kenapa gak jual iphone-nya aja di Indo…
Kenapa lelet banget seh jual iphone, keburu di tap/di contek ama yang lain loh kalo kelamaan….
–> Tanyakeunapa 😛 hehehehee…. lah gua bukan bos Apple 😀
September 7th, 2007 at 12:05 pm
Kata saya sih ini produk nanggung! mending beli iPhone sekalian, $299 dapet iPhone 4G, ntar baru di hack ke glodok atawa ke Roxy 😛
September 7th, 2007 at 5:59 pm
# yoki Says:
September 7th, 2007 at 12:05 pm
Kata saya sih ini produk nanggung! mending beli iPhone sekalian, $299 dapet iPhone 4G, ntar baru di hack ke glodok atawa ke Roxy 😛
-> Hahahaa kalo nunggu ipod 7G mungkin beli ipod Gen 1 cuma 100 dollar? 😀
September 8th, 2007 at 2:04 pm
….a city that 1. fits its people, 2. comfort, 3. artistic, 4. technology based…
waduh pak walikota, bikin kotanya jgn terlalu bagus, ntar malah bikin kota ini makin macet ama pendatang nih….
September 10th, 2007 at 12:13 am
Tambahin $100 dah dapet iPod touch yang juga bisa dipake buat nelepon (therefore, iPhone). Mending nunggu ah itu pedagang di BEC masukin iPhone secara masal biar bisa neken harga (5-5,5 juta anyone?)
September 20th, 2007 at 9:07 pm
16GB kayaknya masih kurang ya..? mending nunggu yang 60GB or 80GB skalian
any idea?
soale iPod classic gw nyang 30GB kayak gak cukup2 tuh nampung segalasesuatu (penting gak penting tapi brasa penting dijejel smua)jadi gw khawatir 16GB gak bakal cukup (baca : puas bleh!)
October 15th, 2007 at 4:26 pm
guyz, jangan compare ipod dan iphone… its a two different things-….-” .. ipod cuma buat entertainment.. buat telepon ya handphone…. ipod is da best but i dun think so with the iphone… dengan duit yg kamu keluarkan untuk iphone, loe bisa dapetin ponsel nokia, SonEr, samsung yang terbaru pula..
just my 5 cents..