Good Lord!! Steve (Jobs) You’re The Man!!

Macintosh, Technology Add comments

This is the most fascinating news I’ve ever heard since. Mmmmm… let me re-phrase, the sequential-good-news I’ve ever heard. Yes, now Apple OFFICIALLY supports dual booting Mac OS X and Windows on Intel Macs. Steve, you are heading into the right direction. I’m proud of you… no no no… I’m praising of the bold move you’ve taken!! Although, Avie might not agree on this, but this seems that Apple is moving into the new direction. THE RIGHT ONE!!. You’ve lower the hurdle of people who want to purchase Macs finally… The final orchestra to win over Windows’ competition is to let Mac OS X open and can be installed on generic PC sometimes on Leopard’s release. Let’s kick Bill Gates’s late Vista and make Apple rules once again.

Thank you Steve, you make my day!


11 Responses to “Good Lord!! Steve (Jobs) You’re The Man!!”

  1. hanindyo Says:

    hallah! apple paling bisa bikin pasar yang unik dan aneh….

    tak lama setelah ini adalah, nanti mac os x bisa jalan di PC biasa (dibuka scr resmi) kemudian nanti orang berpikir wah, softwarenya bagus gini..apalagi hardwarenya…mereka kan sangat inovatif..sehingga pada akhirnya terjadi switch masal, bagi dari sisi software ataupun hardware… Steve, you’re messing with a lot of parties here…but yes, you really make my day!

  2. roby Says:

    langkah selanjutnya, mungkin bagus jika microsoft beli apple ๐Ÿ˜€
    karena jika mereka merger kayanya semuanya untung: microsoft, apple, dan konsumen. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Dirgayuza Says:

    Siiiph… Steve, ur decision make me smile again! Hahaha… Imagine the Possibilities! Btw, it’s also a cool idea to release sort of a “LIVE CD” for Mac OS X for PCs so user can sort of “test” Mac OS X, and tempt to switch to the real OS on Apple PCs.

    Everyone wins. =D so, Mac resellers in Indonesia, start putting “Microsoft ASLI – Reseller” Logo in your stores!

  4. aRdho Says:

    berkunjung k sini pengen ngasitau kalo harapan sampeyan udah terkabul…


    saya BASBANG.. ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. macnoto Says:

    heehehehe basbang lu ๐Ÿ˜›
    *ngeloyor wakakakkaaa

  6. Cak Uding Says:

    Buat Mas Roby, kalau MS beli Apple, yaikssss, mendingan gue pake Linux deh. Waakakakaka. Menguntungkan konsumen? Hmmm masa sih ada istilah menguntungkan konsumen dalam kamus MS? **ngaciiiiirrrrr**

  7. Dirgayuza Says:

    Dulu istilahnya “Your Potential, Our Passion”, sekarang menjadi “People Power”.. hahaha..

  8. tenli Says:

    When Apple rules once again……? hati-hati aja dengan kejadian waktu powerpc mulai naik jamannya SJ ditendang, Apple tidak bisa memenuhi tuntutan pasar lalu surutlah animo orang terhadap Apple.
    Jikalau MS membeli Apple, ingat video tentang iPod Repackaging by Microsoft? Hancur brur!!! dai sisi disain Ms kaya tipe klien yang ogah rugi, bayar ngepres tapi semua dimasukkin, lihat aja iklan yang ceewet ga jelas mana Headline mana bodycopy hehehe
    Akan tetapi sisi indah dari jalan ini adalah IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! gw mau liat oraang yang bangga sama peecee-nya hehehe teknologi lawas kok dipakai:D

  9. macnoto Says:

    When? … will never if they keep their technology on their on box. Read my other article

  10. ada deh Says:

    hahaha,,,jual mikocok..ra wareg kang..enak mangan apel wae..podo2 ra warege ning jenenge apel..dudu mikocok..BASBANG deh

  11. Adham Somantrie Says:

    Boot Camp? kayaknya bagus buat orang yang baru “pindahan” dari PC ke Mac.

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