Rising A New Baby! A Windows Killer Is Born!

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I am a technology enthusiast. For years I’ve been living in a complex situation. I’m putting my foot on a small company I founded 7 years ago, I’m pretty please for what I’m doing. Make a very good living out of it, but in the other hand, I always have those kind of “hunger” to be world class influencer in IT crowded world. This small boat does not allow me to go further beyond what it can ship. Thankfully I’m able to stay foolish and stay hungry to keep my dream a float.

I would also like to be a captain of big ship. Which I can do whatever it has to be done to crush all the competitions without worrying about how to secure paycheck for next month’s payroll :D. I’ve done a lot of thing to keep this dream becoming reality, but things are not always work the way you’ve planned. So without worrying about having your life’s stake on somebody’s else hands, here I would like to announce my project with my dear friend Tommy Brander. It’s Aurora Desktop Environment. It will fit the ordinary computer profiles, and we hope that it soon can be a real boost to Linux/BSD adoption. If you ask will we develop a new distro? My answer simply yes! We are working on it. This is reminds me a lot of my 1997’s attempted with Michael Meatloff and Michael Konratson on BeOS Windows-Look-a-like, and 2003’s attempted to make a Windows Look-a-like distro. Will it success the way we hope? With your help I believe we can make this thing works. Why not?

20 Responses to “Rising A New Baby! A Windows Killer Is Born!”

  1. Endy Says:

    You didn’t show me your previous “Desktop/OS”, because the so-called “CONFIDENTIAL” project hehehehe, in the end it didn’t work.
    I hope this one will work since you’ve shown the “beta” look ๐Ÿ™‚ Altho it’s only 1 screenshot.

  2. obyektif Says:

    Well done ! Amazing project ! Keep up the good works.

  3. obyektif Says:

    Just a little suggestion, please make a full screenshot ๐Ÿ™‚ Not resized, or at least 1024×768. Current screenshot is too small.

  4. sueng Says:

    Tuh kata gw juga apa , kekecilan skrinsot-nya jadi ndak jelas

  5. mr. yahya Says:

    dari dulu sampe sekarang belum pernah nemu OS yang bisa ngatur setting hardware sesuai kebutuhan/semacam emulasi hardware. (kaya ngatur clock CPU ->bukan cuma over, tapi juga downclock). VPC aja cuma bisa ngatur besar alokasi RAM.

  6. Si Razak itu Lho Says:


  7. Dedhi Says:

    Kurang banyak sample skrinsyot-nya ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. milisdad Says:

    theme nya pake apa yaa??
    pls kasih tau donk…………..

  9. doeljoni Says:

    nice work !!!

  10. triwil Says:

    Nice Work ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜• and Well Done …

  11. adinoto Says:

    masta siddius *to triwil… yes masta :)) wakakakkakak

  12. mr. yahya Says:

    Setelah sedikit dipikir2, apa sih yg bikin “baby” ini bisa jadi windows killer?

  13. sunardi Says:

    Dari tampilannya mungkin lebih tepat ke Windows follower atau Windows Copier.

    Mbokya tampilannya yang berbeda… trus… kecanggihannya juga beda…
    Baru killer ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. adinoto Says:

    konsepnya beda mas. ngapain maksain orang awam pindah ke sesuatu yang dia sama sekali ga familiar? pelan2 mungkin bisa dibawa. tapi konsepnya azas familiaritas.

  15. Budi Says:

    Kalo ngeliat dari screenshotnya sih keren ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. mr. yahya Says:

    kalo tampilan mirip xp gini gimana masalah hak ciptanya? Jangan2 azas familiaritas ini malah meng-kill si windows killer.

  17. indrayana tirtayasa Says:

    Wah, jadi pengen tau yang BeOS like itu..

  18. adinoto Says:

    bukan BeOS-like pak, tapi Windows-like BeOS …

  19. ireng Says:

    neeh project da kelar? pengen nyoba tapi gag ada dokumentasi…
    di news-nya keluar ini:

    Warning: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host ‘mysql-a.sourceforge.net’ (11) in /home/groups/a/au/auroraproject/htdocs/news.php on line 15

    Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/groups/a/au/auroraproject/htdocs/news.php on line 16

    Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/groups/a/au/auroraproject/htdocs/news.php on line 19

    Warning: mysql_close(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/groups/a/au/auroraproject/htdocs/news.php on line 21

    Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/groups/a/au/auroraproject/htdocs/news.php on line 23

    Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/groups/a/au/auroraproject/htdocs/news.php on line 30

    udah lama keluar itu… banyak yang nanya’ linux cuman desktop mirip XP, aku inget project ini… cuman ya itu… dokumentasinya… thx berat…
    *gag sabar nunggu…

  20. javanesse Says:

    mungkin bisa membantu http://www.ylmf.org

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