PixelMator & Acorn, Mac Only Apps… Windows/Linux User Bole Iri!

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Kalo lu pada mikir, what’s the reason that you should switch to Mac? I gave you two, the first is PixelMator and the second is Acorn. PixelMator & Acorn are actually two separate (and competing products) comes from two different companies. What makes these two products really special? Since it boasts the only technology you’ve ever found in the best operating system around. Mac OS X!

Apple has developed great technology behinds Mac OS X, of course OS X is based on UNIX, and the technology named Core Image (I wrote a teaser once on Core Image on this blog). Core Image allows you to utilize your Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) (to PC reader, please read: VGA!) to do manipulation rather that assign the manipulation to CPU itself. GPU is sometimes can be 10x faster than the fastest Intel Core 2 Duo in your laptop, so prepare to amaze what this “realtime” manipulation software can do for you.

And did I tell you? You’ve seen nothing yet until you’ve seen Core Animation and zillions other Apple’s only innovations that can make your computing even more fun.

And of course these two applications doesn’t break your bank, it’s only 35-59 dollars compares to 1,000-1,800 dollars for Adobe Photoshop πŸ˜€

15 Responses to “PixelMator & Acorn, Mac Only Apps… Windows/Linux User Bole Iri!”

  1. Oskar Syahbana Says:

    Let’s see… GPU gw GMA 950. How much processing power you can milk out of it? Nah, I think I’ll stick with Photoshop a little longer πŸ˜›

  2. adinoto Says:

    You assumed, and assumption is mother of all fucked up πŸ˜€

  3. ariya Says:

    Free-software rulez… πŸ™‚ PixelMator is based on ImageMagick

  4. adinoto Says:

    # ariya Says:
    September 30th, 2007 at 11:58 pm e

    Free-software rulezÒ€¦ πŸ™‚ PixelMator is based on ImageMagick

    -> YOa brur, cantiknya, sayang Linux ga/belum punya engine seperti Core Image ato Core Animation seperti Mac OS X ini… jadi seperti ngubah setting Blur di gambar diatas, ya realtime, no time for render nor preview.

    Gua sendiri udah gatel abis nungguin OpenSUSE 10.3 hahahaha ini baru desktop linux πŸ˜€

  5. iang Says:

    pixelmator keren euy.. tampilannya ciamik. tapi kayanya belom sebegituperlunya sampe beli segala, pixen ato seashore masih cukup hehehe..

  6. adinoto Says:

    # iang Says:
    October 1st, 2007 at 2:32 am e

    pixelmator keren euy.. tampilannya ciamik. tapi kayanya belom sebegituperlunya sampe beli segala, pixen ato seashore masih cukup hehehe..

    -> Wah salah itu asumsinya kang. Yang ciamik malah bukan tampilannya tapi CORE IMAGE nya. hehehe… ubah di parameter, semua langsung berubah no preview whatsoever… the power of Core Image. Kalo mo yang gratisan sih install aja XCode Developer dari Apple disana ada Core Image Fun House, aplikasi yang nunjukin power Core Image, cuma ga terlalu stabil, namanya juga demo nunjukin.

    So the real beauty is not on their interface, but on the substance πŸ˜€

  7. iang Says:

    kalo ttg core image kan udah dibahas di blog ini, ngapain gw komentarin lagi.. πŸ˜›

  8. adinoto Says:

    # iang Says:
    October 1st, 2007 at 3:47 am e

    kalo ttg core image kan udah dibahas di blog ini, ngapain gw komentarin lagi.. πŸ˜›

    -> Bwakakaka lah ini aplikasi pertama oleh third party gitu loh bro yang memanfaatkan Core Image πŸ˜€ hehehee… nunggu sahur kitu nteu nanaon comment hehehe…

  9. jack popo Says:

    Oskar Syahbana Says:
    September 30th, 2007 at 4:03 pm

    LetÒ€ℒs seeÒ€¦ GPU gw GMA 950. How much processing power you can milk out of it?

    ->GMA950 sih blm GPU, biarpun udah support core image.

  10. adinoto Says:

    # jack popo Says:
    October 3rd, 2007 at 10:29 am
    ->GMA950 sih blm GPU, biarpun udah support core image.

    => Noto answer:
    Hah, ga salah Jack? biar kata onboard Intel GMA950 itu GPU lah. Itu iterasinya jaman Intel punya descreet VGA business sendiri yaitu Intel 740 (th 98an). Waktu itu Intel 740 termasuk chip respectful! biar kata mumer game-game ngangkat deh pake chip itu.

    Problem dengan Intel GMA950 itu bukan speed tapi T&L *Transform & Lighting buat sebagian game yang udah adopt (baik di DirectX 9 dan 10) ato OS X dia blon punya fiturnya jadi diserahin ke processor itu yang bikin lambat sebagian operant di Intel GMA950.

    Dibanding dengan VGA (GPU GPU) sebelum ini yang discreet (bukan onboard) seperti nVidia 2 Go di laptop-laptop sih kencengan Intel GMA 950 kaleee .. by miles.

    Fitur itu diperbaiki lagi di Intel GMA X3100, nah itu udah mendingan fitur-fitur support tambahannya di add.

    Kalo mo bandingin GPU onboard bandingin sama VIA ato SIS punya, beuuuuh jauh bo… πŸ˜€

    *walopu ngarep Intel bisa bikin GPU onboard sekelas nVidia nForce hehehee…..

  11. jack popo Says:

    adinoto Says:
    October 3rd, 2007 at 9:30 pm

    # jack popo Says:
    October 3rd, 2007 at 10:29 am
    ->GMA950 sih blm GPU, biarpun udah support core image.

    => Noto answer:
    Hah, ga salah Jack? biar kata onboard Intel GMA950 itu GPU lah. Itu iterasinya jaman Intel punya descreet VGA business sendiri yaitu Intel 740 (th 98an).

    apa mungkin beda pengertian ya? seperti namanya GPU (graphic processing unit), dulu geforce256 muncul dengan tag the first GPU vga card karena graphic processing dilakukan full di dalam chip graphic card. karena pada GMA 950 sebagian graphic processing di serahin ke CPU jadi menjadikan GMA950 bukan termasuk GPU. CMIIW.

  12. dauz Says:

    saya mau tanya niy..klo Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100,apa itu cukup untuk design graphis spt untuk gambar design ato bkin website ato yg lainnya..? dan apa kelebihan nya dr grafik card tersebut..?
    saya butuh informasi ini segera,krn berhubung sya ingin membeli laptop.
    saya takut salah ketika membeli nya. Dan apakah Nvidia Ge Force 7200 itu berpengaruh bgt dgn design graphis untuk sya yg senang mendesign gambar..??

  13. adinoto Says:

    # dauz Says:
    October 26th, 2007 at 11:44 am e

    saya mau tanya niy..klo Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100,apa itu cukup untuk design graphis spt untuk gambar design ato bkin website ato yg lainnya..? dan apa kelebihan nya dr grafik card tersebut..?
    saya butuh informasi ini segera,krn berhubung sya ingin membeli laptop. saya takut salah ketika membeli nya. Dan apakah Nvidia Ge Force 7200 itu berpengaruh bgt dgn design graphis untuk sya yg senang mendesign gambar..??

    => Kalo untuk keperluan grafis 2D, Intel GMA X3100 udah cukup kenceng pak. Tapi kalo ada GeForce 7200 pasti lebih baik πŸ˜€ tapi kalo cuma main 2D udah kenceng kok. Kalo main 3D mungkin kurang puas.

  14. dagol Says:

    mas nannya juga nich..tolong jelasin kelebihan dan kekurangan N vidia G force 8400 sama Intel GMA X3100 makasih sbelum dan sesudahnya…tolong ya Mas…

  15. Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari Says:

    Terima kasih telah berbagi artikel yg menarik. Tetap semangat.

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