Rick Who?

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If I have to mention one name in IT World that I’m very kind to slap my hand off him is Rick, Rick Belluzo. I’ve been watching this guy since the day of SGI (Silicon Graphics). SGI is one of the last mile in graphics, animation that today’s kids mostly never heard of. Kids, if you heard Apple, hey Apple was like a VW, and SGI was like a Porsche in the term of graphics and animation. Thanks to Rick, now SGI is doomed! He proposed that SGI would license NT instead of pushing its jewel crown IRIX unix. SGI would never success selling NT boxes. It’s that simple. It would be overprices and less competitives than HP nor any other brand (let’s say Dell). Before it’s collapse, Rick decided that he moved on to Microsoft heading it’s Consumer Group Division. He did the same thing with HP Unix years ago, so some people would simply point out Rick paid by Microsoft to ruin HP and SGI, or he just simply incompetence for the position.

Why would a person that it’s so incompetence would be in a position that he is not deserved too? And why would someone that is so competences not deserves a position he would best too? Well that’s the corporate games kid. You’ll never know what’s really inside. It’s like a cartoon.

6 Responses to “Rick Who?”

  1. hanindyo Says:

    SGI O2 dulu mainan mahal banget…cuma liat sekali di meja-nya oom Andi Soerja Boediman berdampingan dengan Micron..gendheng ini gendheng gitu katanya… :p

  2. adinoto Says:

    hehehe O2 = 200jeti masa itu 😀 tapi yah cuma jadi kenangan sekarang 😀

  3. Priyadi Says:

    hehehe, sama… sama… tapi gua tadinya lupa namanya rick beluzzo

  4. Budi Putra Says:


    Budi Putra said,

    September 11, 2006 @ 7:52 am

    Bos, bagi alamat emailnya dong (kalo bisa no HP juga). Kirim ke emailku saja at boedipoetra [at] yahoo dot com… Mau wawancara dikit nih soal Mac di Indonesia…



  5. adinoto Says:

    email aja boss ke adinoto_at_adinoto_dot_com.

  6. Jeffery Macias Says:


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