Mac Training at School of Business ITB.

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Our company successfully approached ITB to use Mac as part of their diversity program. They owned lots of HP last years, running Windows and Linux. And now agreed to get them Mac. The idea is pretty simple, School of Business ITB is the most expensive school in this country, wants to get as many as prestigious the next generation Indonesia’s business persons, but how funny that is if they never had a chance to play with Mac. So head master thinks they should be able to understand any operating systems available therefore they will be the most compliant CEOs ever. I’ve seen lots of executives knows-nothing-the-tech, but not this. ITB is heading to the right direction. 1-0 for ITB.

So we implanted (excuse my language — can’t help myself)… ๐Ÿ˜› 28 eMacs and PowerMacs. And now we’re getting them Xserve and 30″ Cinema Display… enough to keep your mouth drools. So after 1 1/2 months hanging on the business delivery (I should say thanks to Lynette and Anthony from Apple for the hard works!), we finally get the machine setup last month.

Due fasting season, final exams and lots of vacancy in that month, we arranged the training would be available by this time. It was taking place yesterday 9:00AM to 04:00PM.

The training ran great. We brought lots of KitKat for students who participate actively in the sessions and answers lots of questions. We covered most of Mac perspectives from Mac OS X Tiger, iWork, iLife, Interoperability, and Common questions.

Here’s the small shots we took yesterday.

11 Responses to “Mac Training at School of Business ITB.”

  1. sisil Says:

    hebat euy… kemajuan… secara lagi jaman gua kuliah mah boro2 ada lab komputer hehehe..

  2. mixcubed Says:

    15 perseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen……

  3. Cak Uding Says:

    Kapan nih ITS, UGM, UI dan PTN prestise lainnya. Ini proyek amal apa profit oriented? Wakakakaka

  4. rendy Says:

    sbm bukan termahal, masi lebih mahal unpad fk-international

    cuman itu kit-katnya bener2 jadi pujian….

    macnoto ternyata makan kit-kat banyaak sekali kata rekan.. ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. rendy Says:

    tambahan, pelita harapan juga bisa dibilang lebih mahal dari sbm…..

    yang lebih mahal banyak…..

  6. adinoto Says:

    Wakakakakaa, dibanding sekolah jaman gue dulu (ITB juga) yg masih 90 ribu per semester ya mahal banget kalo kata gue Ren ๐Ÿ˜€ …. 160 jeti masih ada yg lebih mahal yack? hmmm oh iya… *inget Yuza ๐Ÿ˜› ….

    BTW, itu Kit Kat makannya banyak maklum man blonn pada makan siang!!! Gila daripada training tau2nya besoknya tipes mah…. sikat we terus ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. ferri Says:

    allo di… pa kabar? kayaknya lancar nii.. kapan ya aku bisa punya mac dirumah? btw Mac yang di taro di kampus itu habis berapa ya satu set? ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Ozzie Says:

    Beli eMac di Bandung dimana sich? Kok susah yak…

    Baru aja beli iBook and it does keep you drolling and drolling and drolling… hehehe.

    Tapi yang aneh adalah, emang macintosh butuh presentasi? Wah proyekan mas Noto nih hehehe. Learning curvenya kan gampang banget ๐Ÿ˜›

    Ntar kalo aku butuh apa – apa, numpang nanya ya mas ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Ozzie Says:

    Loh eh loh… kok komen ku keapus yak? Eniwei… itu beli eMac berapaan sih Mas? Jadi pengen juga…

  10. Dirgayuza Says:

    Hus, gue beasiswa, jadi engga mahal toh. Hehehe.

  11. adinoto Says:

    beasiswa MSFT yuz? ๐Ÿ˜€ ato parental scholarship huehehehe…. ๐Ÿ˜€

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