Modem Available As Built-To-Order Option?? Apple, Come On Wake Up!!

Macintosh Add comments

It happened few months ago when I got a replacement for second generation PowerMac G5 for my client. It was a PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0GHz replacing the Dual 1.8GHz. All sudden my client complaint that the new machines does not come with modem. Wooot??? I have to admit that I have not check the new specs, I thought (as usual) the new machine only get a slight processor upgrade. Hmmm…. I wonder what Steve’s thinking. There must be zillions way to connect to the web without a modem. True! It works only for big countries like US, Europe, Japan, Korea, Singapore.. but one thing that Apple lacks to imagine that Apple also have strong based in developing countries like Indonesia (if you’re not agree with word strong based, let’s say an emerging market!)…. and now everything becoming worse due the some of Mac mini now has no modem as built in features ๐Ÿ™

Broadband is practically non-existent in country like Indonesia…. Apple please wake up!! Why don’t just drop the modem as standard on next generation PowerBook. I guess it would be an even better idea.

10 Responses to “Modem Available As Built-To-Order Option?? Apple, Come On Wake Up!!”

  1. sueng Says:

    Kan konek-nya make broadband di , jadi tidak perlu modem lagi ๐Ÿ˜€ , tapi tidak cuma apple kok yang kayak gitu , lihat saja spek lap top yang ada di pasaran tidak semua mempunyai infra red port , terutama yang sudah ada WIFI-nya

  2. Ikang Fawzi Says:

    Idihh hari gini pake modem

  3. adinoto Says:

    Loh iya broadband, wakakak disini Broadband practically non-existent ๐Ÿ˜€ … Infrared beda dong pak, fungsinya somehow digantiin sama si gigi biru ๐Ÿ˜€ wakakkaka…

  4. adinoto Says:

    Loh modem ini infrastruktur paling bawah yang harus disediakan untuk mencover lebih banyak lagi calon pengguna komputer yang perlu koneksi non-internet (RAS) maupun internet (dialup). Bukan berarti anda bole merasa lebih berbangga karena sudah tidak menggunakan dialup lagi. Concern ini terkait soal maju-tidaknya infrastruktur disuatu negara.

  5. pipit Says:

    Hem, peluang jualan modem ?

  6. adinoto Says:

    Wakakaka… modem cuma 2 dolaran, pointnya harusnya Apple masih ngebundle modem. Emang Apple terkenal lead the competition in term of technology yang dia adopt. Misal the first company to bundle CDROM (1990), to ditch floppy (1997), tapi jangan kecepatan soal ditch modem. We (unfortunately) still need it.

  7. avianto Says:

    we… isn’t that a ‘pathetic’ tone, eh?

    harus diakui kita memang ‘tertinggal’ kok ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Affan Says:

    Gak pake modem USB pak ? Kan ada tuh, saya pernah lihat, cuma gak tahu ya drivernya ada pa nggak di Tiger. (mestinya ada donk)

  9. macnoto Says:

    Konteksnya bukan soal bisa atau tidak, dari Apple sendiri saat ini tersedia optional modem USB yang bisa dibeli dan dipergunakan untuk semua tipe Mac. Konteksnya adalah kenapa terlalu cepat meninggalkan these valuable add-ons untuk pasarnya sendiri di negara2 spt emerging market.

    Buat Apple apabila menambahkan modem internal as default = paling juga harganya 2 dollaran dari manufacturer, tapi buat end user apabila dia harus membelinya belakangan tentu mengeluarkan uang yang jauh lebih besar (Apple USB Modem = 49 dollar)… memang sih 2 dollar x 5 juta unit Mac / year = 10 juta dollar penghematan, not to mention 49 dollar potential x few hundreds thousands would be a sweet number.

  10. Jim Says:

    Nah, udah tau kalo itungannya masuk … kok pake nanya? apple bukannya masih butuh profit banyak??? entar deh kalo udah kebanyakan duit, kebanyakan invest produk gagal, kebanyakan stock gudang … boleh dah memanjakan customer.

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