Berikut ada thread kecil di fesbuk saya, kebetulan memang lama males nulis, tapi ini worth dipertimbangkan tulisan kecil saya di komen facebook seorang rekan.
(Posting FB) Stanley : bagusan xp daripada vista….
Dony : bagusan win7
Stanley : Win7 belum ter uji waktu. Kayak dulu vista d agung2 jkan trnyata boros resources.
Dony : aku br make 2 hari…sepertinya oke….mudah2xan
Stanley : Aku sdh pake, memang ok sih, tp belum buat aplikasi2 yg berat n rumit. Tapi belum jadi OS utama. Lagian vista nya ori beli mahal2. Sayang aja lgsg d ganti.Lama2 kan ketahuan kelebihan dan kelemahan nya, ntar sama microsft d fix. Bukan nya blg win 7 jelek atau bagus, cuma tunggu dulu lah. Let see.
Gue : hehehe… bagusan Mac OS X kemana2… second contenter ya Win 7. Win XP so so.. it’s 7 years old technology what do you expect… Vista? Bah ini sih sampah terbesar dalam sejarah manusia.
Gue : Gom, kau mau desktop kau aku sulap jadi Mac? Bisa aku instalin Mac made in ciumbuleuit. toh kau kerja Photoshop cs kan?
Dony : adi,i agree….tp vista sampah…? tega kali kau…..
Gue : vista emang sampah don. the biggest joke in human history… super bloated OS that none of big company willing to use. BTW, berapa banyak perusahaan besar di dunia mau migrasi ke Vista? ALMOST NONE. bahkan Intel Corp aja menolak migrasi ke Vista.
gua bukan mac dumbheads, gua technologist kan don, hehehe I use all the available options, mulai dari hundreds Linux distro, BeOS (circa 96), BSD’s, Windows dari Windows 2.0 sebelum Windows 3.1, Mac dari System 7. I would say, Mac OS X Rocks. By miles kalo lu count productivitas yang dihasilkan karena make mac. LESS TROUBLE, ALMOST ZERO TIME THINKING/REINSTALLING/FIXING VIRUSES, and FOCUS ON THE WORK we should done.
It’s a whole world different between WORKING WITH COMPUTER, and WORKING FOR COMPUTER. ๐
Ain’t waste my precious time, scanning my system, fixing this and that and too many often have to REINSTALL the system, because the lousy and poorly design OS. ๐
Gue : oh ya don, do you know, Jim Allchin, Microsoft Sr. VP langsung resign dari Microsoft setelah beliau announce Windows Vista release.
Organisasi besar kadang flop. Mengurus puluhan ribu orang dalam suatu perusahaan juga ga selalu sefantastis yang dibayangkan orang. IT TAKES CULTURES which Microsoft doesn’t have. GOOGLE has it. APPLE has it.
Di Microsoft padahal banyak orang2 luar biasa. Allchin ini adalah salah seorang legenda di dunia IT. Dave Cutler (ex DEC), sekarang ada Craig Mundie dan termasuk 5 top programmer di dunia, veteran, living legend seperti ex Lotus Notes creator, Ray Ozzie. Dulu ada Nathan Mhyrvold.
Ga selalu perusahaan besar will enter glorious moment. Sometime they tend to go down because its size. They should learn from “Teach Elephant to Dance” mastermind seperti ex IBM CEO, Louis Gerstner.
Hehehe cukup mata kuliah IT Industrial Acumen 101 pagi hari 2 SKS ya? ๐
Gue : but Microsoft will have a good time with 7. It takes 7 turunan untuk ngebenerin sebuah OS. hahahaha… tapi mungkin perlu 7 turunan lagi untuk benerin virusnya ๐
Gue : tambah 1 SKS lagi nih don:
Aku pernah nulis artikel bagus soal lisensi Microsoft.
Tau ga berapa harga sebuah windows original, BOX itu 350-500 dollar. Seharga komputer mewah. Tau ga OEM license Windows 7 yang dijual 1,8jt per PC. Tau ga berapa harga Mac OS 550rb per 5 orang alias 110 ribu perak per orang.
Barusan aku ngitung kebutuhan beli OS Windows untuk 300 clients, = paling murah 770 juta.
Tau ga berapa harga CAL (Client Access License) dan gimana ngitungnya? 1 apps bisa 32 dollar (Exchange) dan 70an dollar untuk SQLServer. kali sekian ratus user.
Hehehehe Microsoft surely knows how to make money out of your pocket ๐
The only good thing about Bill Gates, that now he runs the biggest Philanthropy Foundation on Earth. I’ll kiss his ass for that! ๐
Gue : thread ini sudah sekualitas Q&A blogku (dasar lagi pemalesan)… ijin aku copy paste ya stanley.
Semoga bermanfaat. Did I loose my chance to work at Microsoft hahaha?… No, It shows my respect of technology instead of pure Marketing. I respect Microsoft for good things they did, and they should do in years to come. As much as other tech companies like Google, Apple, and many zillions other small firms that lack to media expose but truly remarkable and contribute to mankind.
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