2 Millions A Head

Macintosh, Technology 7 Comments »

2 Millions A Head
I’m not talking about this android head (Picture taken and courtesy of www.androidworld.com), but Apple recent acquisition of P.A.Semi. P.A.Semi as I wrote a couple times, is the company that designed low power, PWRficient, 64-bit PowerPC processor, that “supposed to” acquired by Apple before Apple making a leap to Intel platform.

The acquisition worth 278 millions US dollars rise some questions, does Apple finally make another move to PowerPC *at least for their volume winning iPod and iPhone. If Apple can supply their own chip instead of buying it from another supplier, they can save millions bucks. It also rise question on how Apple relationship with its new partner like Intel.

Apple officially said that the acquisitions is have nothing to do with their partnership with Intel. They happy enough (of course by Intel giving the volume discount) with their partnership. What Apple want (which is suspicious) is P.A. Semi 15 engineers to design their next product. How a company can maintain a resources to stay onboard is another trivial task.

What ever it is let’s hope it’s for a better. A next generation Mac based on non linear solutions not likely seen in today’s offering, a Mac full of parallels processing and harness the GPU instead of CPU will coming next year with the release of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

For sure what ever it is, a 2 millions a head acquisition surely a sweet deal. *Looking forward for an offering from Apple :)) What do you say Steve ๐Ÿ˜€

Gaya Hidup Mobile: Memiliki Adaptor Di Rumah Dan Kantor

Macintosh, Social, Technology 33 Comments »

Salah satu pengalaman berkomputasi yang paling nyebelin itu adalah ketika sampe di kantor– ato lokasi remote yang selalu kita kunjungi, adalah Ketinggalan Adaptor Laptop! Halah, capek-capek bawa laptop + tas + isinya 3-4 kilo, cuma bisa dipake kerja cuma 2 jam ato kurang.

Pengalaman ini lebih sekem lagi kalo yang ngalamin adalah tidak ada rekan yang bisa dipinjemin– karena tidak ada laptop yang semodel atau/dan sedang dipake ngecharge. Abis deh mood mo kerja hari itu. Pulang aja ato buka koran tutup buku. Pernahkah anda mengalami hal seperti ini? Yakin ga sekali dua ๐Ÿ˜€

Solusinya padahal gampang, toh kita punya laci yang bisa dikunci di kantor. Simpen aja satu stock adaptor laptop di kantor buat keperluan emergency. Even better, kalo ke kantor, jadi lebih ganteng ga usah repot-repot ngurusin ngepacking kabel adaptor, tinggal bawa laptop, tutup laptop, melenggang kangkung deh ke kantor, toh disana udah ada charger. Life is complex already, why add one? Ngapain diperbudak sama perkabelan dan teknologi.

Masalah jadi lebih kompleks bagi pengguna komputer sophisticated seperti Apple MacBook/MacBook Pro atau iBook/PowerBook. Yang namanya barang gituan, udah cari adaptornya susah, indent pula lagi! Ya elah, kenapa sih adaptor aja susah-susah amat, sampe toko kagak mo rugi nyetok nyiapin buat user-based nya yang ga sedikit.

Menilik masalah demikian, tinggal masalah idealisme dan perhatian ke user deh yang jadi jalan keluar. WWW.GUDANGBATERE.COM menyediakan stock adaptor spare untuk iBook/PowerBook, dan MacBook maupun MacBook Pro anda. Ga usah pusing lagi, ga tanggung-tanggung kita stock 40 unit buat pemanasan. Cantik kan? Nah buat anda yang merasa kehilangan adaptor iBook/PowerBook ato pengen punya stock buat di kantor/rumah biar tenang ga puyeng mikirin adaptor, CALL US. Limited Stock. Sapa cepat dia dapat. Harga Rp.800.000 dijamin lebih murah dari stock di Apple Store. Pernah mikirin investasi ini kemahalan seperti halnya batere cadangan? Ya elah, bisnis anda ga ada artinya dibandingkan sebatang batere cadangan dan sebuah adaptor. Bisnis anda jauh lebih berharga daripada dua barang yang menyesekkan ini. Lagi presentasi batere mo abis kagak ada adaptor ato batere? Apa kata dunia? *ngacirr ๐Ÿ˜›

Adaptor iBook dan MacBook Pro Ready Stock
Seperti kata MacWorld, 27 Steps to a Happy Mac. I should say 28. Add a spare battery and your spare adaptor and free your world! ๐Ÿ˜€

MacBook Blow Out Sale (Mo Beli MacBook Murah Kapan Lagi). Limited Stocks!

Macintosh, Social, Technology 127 Comments »

MacBook Sale
Barusan ditawarin Apple untuk ngeborong sisa stock produknya. Gua bilang bole aja asal ada diskon. ๐Ÿ˜€ Nah sekarang buat temen-temen kapan lagi mo punya MacBook murah, ini saatnya!

MacBook yang sudah DVD Writer dijual lebih murah dari MacBook yang masih DVD Combo… limited stocks, cuma sisa 15 unit. Sapa cepat dia dapat. Buruan tau kan order silahkan transfer ke:

Adinoto A. Kadir
BCA 2331033113
BCA Cabang Setiabudi Bandung

Mandiri 1300004434810
Mandiri Cabang Siliwangi Bandung

Sapa duluan, dia yang dapat duluan. Konfirmasi transfer silahkan ke 08552181888.

Berikut perbandingan antara MacBook yang ada di pasaran dan MacBook yang lagi di sale.

Perbandingan Spesifikasi MacBook Blow Out Sale!


1. Semua Video Advetorial I’m Mac & I’m PC Series HD (High Definition) quality.
2. Advetorial Apple dari jaman kuda gigit besi.
3. Semua video Steve Jobs di MacWorld Expo dan di Wordwide Developer Conference.
4. Wawancara Steve Jobs dan Bill Gates di D5 Conference.
5. Mac OS X 10.4.11 Combo Update (321MB) & Mac OS X 10.5.3 Combo Update (530MB).
5. Sleeve case.

Memory Upgrade ke 2GB = Rp.650.000
Memory Upgrade ke 3GB (Max) = Rp.900.000
Hard Disk Upgrade ke 250GB = Rp.1.500.000
Ongkos kirim disesuaikan dengan lokasi pengiriman dan transportasi.

I’m PC Ads Ressurection (Vista Blues)

Macintosh 4 Comments »

Helloo.. I’m a Mac… and I’m a PC

Well, Mac…
Vista got me feeling down, so I’ll write a little song called “Vista Blues”
[Mac comment: I’d love to hear that sometime but I…]

[PC singing…]
So many users leaving me .. and ain’t coming back
Vista got issues… it’s so glitchy… they’re leaving me for mac… {ooooo dog barking}

[Mac comment: Nice touch]

A Picture Tells A Thousand Words

Macintosh, Technology 14 Comments »


What does this picture tell you?

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