Pada tanggal 14 Oktober mendatang, Apple direncanakan akan mengumumkan refresh product line nya, yaitu jajaran MacBook dan MacBook Pro. Buat yang mendambakan membeli “MacBook Pro” dengan budget “MacBook” inilah saatnya. Mengapa?
1. Produk MacBook baru ini akan dibuat dengan bahan yang sama dengan MacBook Pro. Yaitu berbahan aluminium.
2. VGA yang akan digunakan akan jauuuuhhh lebih mumpuni ketimbang VGA berbasis Intel GMA yang dipergunakan di jajaran MacBook saat ini. Intel GMA (shame on you, Intel!) proved to be th jerkiest product around. Apple akan menggunakan nVidia MCP7A (product chipset baru) walaupun shared namun memiliki kecepatan lebih dari 10x lipat dari Intel GMA X3100 yang digunakan sekarang pada jajaran MacBook.
3. Harga yang ditawarkan akan sangat agresif. Salah satu executive Apple menyatakan bahwa range harga bisa sangat competitive, “We’ll offer state of the art products at price points our competitors can’t match.†Apakah kita akan melihat harga MacBook dibawah 1000 US dollar? Atau lebih rendah lagi? Menyaingi trend Netbooks 400-600 dollar saat ini.
Apapun yang akan direlease Apple pada tanggal 14 Oktober nanti adalah sesuatu yang awesome! MacBook Pro performance dengan harga MacBook 😀
Mau liat perbandingan VGA di MacBook nanti versus VGA di jajaran MacBook sekarang?
*noted: Intel GMA X3100 maupun Intel GMA 950 atau GMA 900 sama busuknya 😛 jadi ga beda banyak. Sedangkan nVidia MCP7A (terlepas nama brand akhir apakah GeForce 9300 ato 9400) sekelas GeForce 8400M GT.
Bandingkan score 3D 234 vs 3587. MP7A ini sekelas VGA yang dipergunakan di jajaran MacBook Pro pertama yaitu ATI Mobility Radeon X1600. Top kan?
*Lebih top lagi kalo Apple mo dengerin bikin Netbooks nyaingin MSI Wind 😛 hahahaha…. murah meriah muntah 😀 *ditulis dengan MSI “MaxBook Air” Wind custom Mac OS X 10.5.5 (Apple Auto Update Enabled), Built-In 3G, 2GB RAM dan 320GB Hard Disk, 10″ 1024×600 Screen with Webcam 😀 … Hare gene pake Mac? sapa suruh 😛 *ngacirrrr 😛
Screwed you Seinfeld, you’re not funny at all 😀 (1, 2), then Bill (Gates) make up his mind and decided to dump Seinfeld (for 10 millions f*cking dollar for twice on air… gheez). So here’s Bill Second Coming…
This time the ads looks better, though it come up with I’m a PC stereotypes popular by Apple Inc. It’s definitely a better ads than the previous two. Though it won’t kill the 64,000 viruses found on Windows 😀
Do you know Bill that Mac and Linux is a PC too? 😛 🙂
Banyak rekan-rekan pengguna MacBook Air yang mengalami symptoms MacBooknya kurang stabil. Karena itu saya merekomendasikan para pengguna MacBook Air untuk mengupdate MacBook Airnya dengan update sebagai berikut:
5. Mac OS X 10.5.4 Combo Update (download disini, awas massive 561MB!!) * Mac OS X 10.5.4 diperlukan sebelum memproses update 22 Agustus 2008.
Minta bantuan pakar ato rekan yang berpengalaman untuk melakukan update tersebut apabila anda belum pernah/tidak yakin. Terutama update EFI dan SMC. Update EFI (di PC biasa dikenal dengan nama BIOS — suatu kehidupan yang jauh lebih primitif), bisa berakibat fatal apabila tidak dilakukan dengan benar.
Untuk yang membutuhkan update tersebut via CD dapat menghubungi saya di yahoo messenger: macnoto_at_yahoo_dot_com (sorry guys, no email).
Hare gene pake mek? *ngacirrr … * yang lagi ngerakit Super Max Pro tea pake casing PowerMac G4 😀 … Quad Core 2.66GHz 4GB RAM 1TB Hard Disk nVidia 9600GSO 384MB 😀 Nanti deh direview 😀 byeeeeeee… jangan tidur mulu… olah raga dulu coy! *diantosan di lapangan hijau!
Only a few of us can have the privilege of a Woz. Less known selebrity who actually the man that powered Apple II along with the other Steve. Steve Wozniak sometimes walk to Apple Store and say… “I’m an employee… and I get a discount”… The Apple Store employee of course responds by asking “What’s your number?” (without knowing who he really is). The best thing Woz can say (and check the employee’s face) is… “I’m employee no.1” :DÂ Kewl! 😀
Even cooler if you’re start thinking working on something in third world community, Steve. The children needs you! Come on here. Let’s talk something.
Rumors say that Apple is considering NVIDIA Chipset as the replacement to Intel Chipset in the future MacBook product in Q4 2008. This is seriously a boon for Apple MacBook, given the performance of Intel integrated GPU (GMA X3100) is a dog by standard. While, discreet GPU like NVIDIA GeForce 8600GM found on MacBook Pro is like 10 times the performance of Intel GMA X3100 found on the Apple’s consumer line, the MacBook product, Apple is strongly need a really competent GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to boast it’s forthcoming Snow Kitty Mac OS X 10.6 which can handle computing in GPU instead of CPU.
I should say a real kick ass for MacBook if Apple is willing to pull the rabbit out of NVIDIA’s hat, given the problem currently arise at NVIDIA failing product (bad packaging). And for Intel, I should say “Guys what the hell are you thinking?” given that you are the market leader in this chipset area and killed VIA and SIS along the way, but I’ve seen no compelling reason to buy your IGP (Integrated Graphics Processing) other than so lame called “compatibility” reason 🙁 Dooh…. Larrabbee anyone? Come on.
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