Welcome Aboard, Google Chrome!

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Google just recently release their own web browser the Google Chrome. What makes the Google’s browser so special? First, it comes from Google. The most talk-able IT company and the most innovative IT company (alongside Apple) in the world. So it’s important. Important because it wil break Microsoft “bloatware” Internet Explorer. Important because it heats up competition. Important because it will give us an alternative  other than our friendly Mozilla Firefox.

The buzz is so big that sometimes we forgot the ancestor who bring the rendering engine into the table. Google Chrome uses Apple’s WebKit engine which derived from KDE’s Konqueror project.

Wanna know something about the what-about web browsers and the Chrome? Check out the below 38 pages comicstrip from GoogleBook. Did I forgot to mention that it render javascript so fast? The folks at Firefox will surely heats up V8 competition by releasing the Firefox 3.1 that will catch up the competition. Let’s rocks some web pages!

19 Responses to “Welcome Aboard, Google Chrome!”

  1. spidolhitam Says:

    google laptop, nah itu yang saya tunggu

  2. gagahput3ra Says:

    Google Chrome mang mantap. Uda 2 hari Firefox ilang dari peredaran ni dirumah. 😀

    Tinggal nungguin Firefox rilis 3.1 dengan TraceMonkeynya nih…yang developernya uda panas aja duluan ma V8nya Google Chrome, katanya yg di Firefox itu lebih kenceng, pantes dipanggil V10 😆

    Lalu kemana Opera? 😉

  3. idarmadi Says:

    Kalo Google Chrome itu based on Apple WebKit, tapi kok ndak ada yah versi Macnya pada saat ini? (katanya sih nyusul)….

  4. wolwol Says:

    chrome is so cool….
    walau masih 0.2.xxxx
    not even its primetime yet!

  5. mautauaja Says:

    Masih tersedia untuk Windows seorang… dan beta pula.
    Nunggu versi finalnya ajah.

  6. Panjul Says:

    Oh please, it is not based on “Apple WebKit”, but just the original WebKit!

    No wonder, you are Apple fanboy, no surprise 🙂

  7. adinoto Says:

    # Panjul Says:
    September 5th, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    Oh please, it is not based on “Apple WebKit”, but just the original WebKit!

    No wonder, you are Apple fanboy, no surprise 🙂

    => Justru WebKit original itu Open Source Apple bozzz, ah si booss ini sensi aja. Kalo Konqueror itu KHTML.

    Jadi KHTML -> WebKit. And it’s an Apple Open Source. No offense. And sorry I’m not an Apple fan boy. Kalo ada lebih bagus gua pasti pake boss 😛


  8. ariya Says:

    Minor correction: Firefox’s 3.1 TraceMonkey was available for testing before Google Chrome/V8 was even announced. It’s V8 that tries to compete with TraceMonkey!

  9. dhany Says:

    saya juga korban baru meski cuma bersi beta

  10. idham Says:

    selama blom tersedia untuk mac & linux saya lom bisa pake boss, dah lama meninggalkan jendela dan segala janji manisnya, kenapa orang – orang google lebih memaksakan rilis beta untuk 1 operating system saja ya .. untuk beberapa hari ini ngeliat orang2 di kantor pada pake Google Chrome saya malah sakit hati.

  11. adit Says:

    walaupun masih beta, yg jelas Google Chrome punya potensi untuk jd besar

    sy berharap nantinya chrome bisa kompatibel dgn firefox plugin, selain tentu saja chrome bisa jalan di multiplatform

  12. Khatulistiwa Online Says:

    Google mang luarbiasa!!!!.. welcome in google chrome!!

  13. adinoto Says:

    # idham Says:
    September 6th, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    selama blom tersedia untuk mac & linux saya lom bisa pake boss, dah lama meninggalkan jendela dan segala janji manisnya, kenapa orang – orang google lebih memaksakan rilis beta untuk 1 operating system saja ya .. untuk beberapa hari ini ngeliat orang2 di kantor pada pake Google Chrome saya malah sakit hati.

    => Hare gene pake mek? *ngacirrr 😛

  14. adinoto Says:

    # adit Says:
    September 7th, 2008 at 10:22 am

    walaupun masih beta, yg jelas Google Chrome punya potensi untuk jd besar

    sy berharap nantinya chrome bisa kompatibel dgn firefox plugin, selain tentu saja chrome bisa jalan di multiplatform

    => Semoga ya. barusan juga fitur di chrome di backport ke WebKit. We’ll c. *yang masih setia dengan Camino di Mac *nasibbb 😀 pake Chrome cuma di ThinkPad tua dan MSI Wind 😀

  15. idarmadi Says:

    lho apple fanboy to? kok pake hapecin? 😛 no wonder, rupanya ceo mac cpp 😀

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