Intel Say No To Vista, Bill Crying On Vista Too, What This Story Teach Us?

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Should I say, say go to hell with Vista? Yeah rite. It’s the most crappy software ever produced by Microsoft. Intel Say No, and Bill Gates Said Windows Is Crap.

I don’t know what the hell those engineers at Microsoft was thinking by releasing such a crappy software. An Operating System that instantly kill ALL of YOUR LAPTOPS (read: Vista will eat all the your dual processors alive), and Jim Allchin (the Sr.VP who was responsible for Windows development resigned). Can’t handle the heat Jim? Or already have the latest MacBook Air toys? 😀

If Intel is so creamy company, then here’s a little suggestion:
Acquire nVidia, and talk to Apple about the merger 😀 how’s that sounds? Sweeeeeettt :))

Or (again) Paul Otellini (CEO Intel) is having a great coffee time with Jim talking about their latest iPhone 3G? 😀

27 Responses to “Intel Say No To Vista, Bill Crying On Vista Too, What This Story Teach Us?”

  1. wildan Says:

    Bos, Unix Memang top markotop.. 🙂

  2. iyank4 Says:

    soalnya engineer MS dikasi HW mulus trus..
    coba mereka suru develop di p2 233


  3. adinoto Says:

    iyank4 Says:
    June 28th, 2008 at 9:28 pm e
    soalnya engineer MS dikasi HW mulus trus..
    coba mereka suru develop di p2 233

    => Salah satu fakta yang mencengangkan adalah standard prosedur di Microsoft bahwa setiap kali hardware (laptop, desktop) pegawai kena viruses, akan di bersihkan secara remote oleh server Microsoft di Redmond, adalah WAJIB DIFORMAT dan di INSTALL ULANG. Halah? Blow my down! Reinstalled and reformat every time get infected by virus(es)?? Are you kidding me?

    Kayaknya tiap hari engineer Microsoft kerjanya nginstall ulang komputernya dan narikin lisensi doang. That’s why mereka lupa retuning the bloatware OS.

  4. idarmadi Says:

    kayaknya yang bikin bill gates frustasi itu jamannya windows XP. bukan Vista. cmiww.

  5. kuncung Says:

    Misleading banget tulisannya 🙂 Apa hubungannya Intel di cerita itu dengan nangisnya si Bill Gates?

    Oh yeah, typical Apple fanboy *lol*

  6. Adi Chandra Says:

    vista sebenernya not so bad lah. dari dulu bosen denger org mencela microsoft.

    jaman 98 keluar, org takut pake 98, jaman xp keluar, xp di hina2 juga, sekarang akhirnya xp malah di bilang lebih bagus dr vista. ntar vista kalo udah sp2, pasti oke juga.

    tp mac osx tetep nomor 1.

  7. Remo Harsono Says:

    Untung gw ga punya komputer, jadi ga ada OS yg gw jagoin…asal anak bisa makan pake OS apapun hayo lahhh…even DOS 3.30 msh gw pake nehh…

    The story teach us that: ati-ati cari karyawan

  8. bintang Says:

    adinoto Says:
    June 28th, 2008 at 9:42 pm
    => Salah satu fakta yang mencengangkan adalah standard prosedur di Microsoft bahwa setiap kali hardware (laptop, desktop) pegawai kena viruses, akan di bersihkan secara remote oleh server Microsoft di Redmond, adalah WAJIB DIFORMAT dan di INSTALL ULANG. Halah? Blow my down! Reinstalled and reformat every time get infected by virus(es)?? Are you kidding me?

    Walahh??? iya itu teh?? morron banget atuh… banyak waktu abiees kali yah?? wah OSX ajalah ato Linux.

  9. adinoto Says:

    # idarmadi Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 12:17 am
    kayaknya yang bikin bill gates frustasi itu jamannya windows XP. bukan Vista. cmiww.

    => Oh ya sorry jadi salah ngelink boss, tadi tab browsingnya ketutup malah jadi salah link, tar gua update. Thanks anyway for the correction.

  10. adinoto Says:

    # kuncung Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 12:39 am
    Misleading banget tulisannya 🙂 Apa hubungannya Intel di cerita itu dengan nangisnya si Bill Gates?
    Oh yeah, typical Apple fanboy *lol*

    => Yoi boss, salah link. Gua koreksi dulu. Si Bill pokoknya frustasi dengan Vista distate demikian. Updated nanti. Fan boy? hahahaha I wished. Ini ngetik di ThinkFart tua 😀

  11. adinoto Says:

    # Adi Chandra Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 1:06 am
    vista sebenernya not so bad lah. dari dulu bosen denger org mencela microsoft.
    jaman 98 keluar, org takut pake 98, jaman xp keluar, xp di hina2 juga, sekarang akhirnya xp malah di bilang lebih bagus dr vista. ntar vista kalo udah sp2, pasti oke juga.

    tp mac osx tetep nomor 1.

    => Not so bad adalah denial boss alias hati bilang “Yah ternyata so so, plus banyak problem hehehe, ngedelete small files aja bisa takes forever” 😀

  12. adinoto Says:

    # Remo Harsono Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 1:55 am e
    Untung gw ga punya komputer, jadi ga ada OS yg gw jagoin…asal anak bisa makan pake OS apapun hayo lahhh…even DOS 3.30 msh gw pake nehh…
    The story teach us that: ati-ati cari karyawan

    => Toel boss, hare gene main IT bwakakakka 😀 *perlu di bikin polling kali ya, berapa banyak pegawe IT mroyek diluaran pake jam kantor 😀 *apa jangan2 pegawe Microsoft banyak mroyekan diluar juga *ngacirrr 😛

  13. adinoto Says:

    # bintang Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 7:42 am e
    Walahh??? iya itu teh?? morron banget atuh… banyak waktu abiees kali yah?? wah OSX ajalah ato Linux.

    => Ya salah satu stupidity XP lagi adalah kita ga bisa cuma reinstall operating system alias semua harus diinstall lagi satu satu (aplikasi) termasuk settingnya. I’d happy with Mac OS X, dimana Mac bisa pilih “Archived and Install” dimana setting dan semua aplikasi ga berubah dan ga perlu diinstall ulang. Cukup tinggalin 45 menit (ga usah dilirik) unattendance beres pake lagi komputer pagi hari.

  14. dudi Says:

    hare gene dagang mac osx vista! kakakaka….

  15. Affan Says:

    crappy mana Vista ama Windows ME atau Windows 1.0 ? Bukankah gunanya punya Core 2 Duo ama RAM > 2GB itu adalah utk pake Vista ? Bukannya Leopard juga gak bisa dipake kalau RAM nya cuma < 1GB ?

    Face it, nggak ada OS yang sempurna, semua punya lebih kurangnya sendiri. Kelebihan Vista yg utama itu adalah : Solitaire dkk nya diupdate, jadi bagus gambarnya.

    **Nunggu T61 datang pake Vista Business**

  16. bintang Says:

    CMIIW Vista untuk ketak ketik okelah sama aeronya juga, gimana dengan Software lain yang masih running dengan kompatibilitas tinggi di XP?? gak tau juga kalo mungkin skrang udah ada caranya supaya semua software bisa Full Running di Vista,dulu terakhir udah saya coba jelas banyak program2 yang runing di XP uda gak bisa lagi di VISTA minus buatan mikocoft.., jadi saya balik lagi ke xp, skrang udah insaf ke mac os dan dan juga bercumbu dengan linux

  17. rendy Says:

    ada ga si OS yang simple?

  18. utchanovsky Says:

    Eh, ini blognya pake B2evolution bukan 😀

    Saya si cukup puas sama PeCeLinuxOS saya (daripada vista).

  19. adinoto Says:

    # dudi Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 8:49 am
    hare gene dagang mac osx vista! kakakaka….

    => Wakakak dagang es kelapa aja ngeunah sambil leyeh2 wifi pake palapa 😀 eh kelapa 😀 eh palapa 😀 eh wakakaka 😀

  20. adinoto Says:

    # Affan Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 12:09 pm
    crappy mana Vista ama Windows ME atau Windows 1.0 ? Bukankah gunanya punya Core 2 Duo ama RAM > 2GB itu adalah utk pake Vista ? Bukannya Leopard juga gak bisa dipake kalau RAM nya cuma Crappy mana? Hahaha all Microsoft OS rasanya crappy jadi rada-rada lupa boss rasanya crappy 😀 haahaha… OS Microsoft paling OK *IMHO adalah Microsoft Windows 2000. Sayang RPC hole kemudian bikin OS ini kena sekem *biar kata gampang diatasi, tapi ya sudah ga dikembangin lagi berenti sampe skrg. *No comment buat pencinta DirectX, we are not talking about that subject –in relation to Win2000.

    Leopard run nicely di 1GB. Even better di Mac OS X 10.5.3 apalagi Mac OS X 10.6 yang focus di optimasi, speed dan small footprint. Windows Vista (kita sama-sama ngomongin laptop ya) ga exceptable di 1GB *by my standard. Even di 4GB (saya pernah pake di T61 dan Vista Business dengan 4GB, di revert balik ke XP — karena Vistanya kill my machine resources). It’s hog. Again by my standard *it’s debatable. But make no debate. Capek. 😀 Ukur aja sendiri lebih kenceng XP apa Vista. Dan seusable apa Vista sampe gua harus switch 😀

    *Congratulation on your new T61. Makan-makan 😀

  21. adinoto Says:

    # rendy Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
    ada ga si OS yang simple?

    => Again. By my standard:
    1. BeOS.
    2. System 7.1 (Mac OS 7.1)
    3. BeOS


  22. probodj Says:


    Dude, your English sucks. Seriously.

    The snippets below are examples of your atrocity against the English language just in this posting alone. I mean, OK, English is not your native language, but when you decided to write in English, then you’d better try hard to remove the grammatical errors.

    Keep writing, and keep learning. Peas, — I mean, — Peace.

    — Probo

    what the hell of those engineers –> what the hell those…

    eat all the your dually processors –> eat all your dual processors…

    Sr.VP who responsible for –> Sr.VP who [was/is] responsible for… {or} Sr.VP responsible for…

    a little suggestion: Acquired nVidia, and let’s talk to Apple –> a little suggestion: Acquire nVidia, and talk to Apple…

  23. adinoto Says:

    to Probo:
    Thanks for the correction boss! 🙂

  24. idham Says:

    wah enaknya si boss punya editor online

    enya atuh ari kitu mah saya kudu ati ati make basa linggis bising di ontrog ku bule anu tukang menerkeun postingan jabaning postingan abdi mah radarada hardtounderstand markup language


  25. probodj Says:

    No worries mate!

  26. Syafrudin Abi-Dawira Says:

    I use MS Windows Vista Business on Dell Latitude D630 (Core2Duo T7100 1.8GHz, 1024MB RAM) everyday almost without problem. Usually I use IBM Lotus Notes,, Firefox (with a lot of tabs), Free Download Manager, Comodo Firewall Pro, GIMP, and such.

    Current report from Task Manager: # of process 57, cpu usage 67%, physical memory 68%.

    My complaint with Vista:
    – Not compatible with Lotus Notes version 6.5 (so I revert to Lotus Notes version 5, even database replication is not working with version 5).
    – Not compatible with ZipMail.

    Anyway, I am not Vista fans and I am still worry about its security issue. So, as usual (as done before with XP), I turn off almost all enhancement and prefer to use classic mode, no Aero offcourse :-).

    And actually, OSes in my dream are 🙂
    -1- Gnu Hurd ( + GnuStep (
    -2- ReactOS (, version 0.3.5 just released last monday)

  27. adinoto Says:

    to Syafrudin:

    Add BeOS (now Haiku OS) on your list 😀 and keep dreamin’ 😀

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