New Digital Playground War?

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Microsoft bought aQuantive for a massive 6 billions US dollar, put his effort to grab “new playground” in IT industry a.k.a Digital Marketing. Google has proven itself as a successful patron for its’ AdSense and AdWords. And today, Microsoft beat Google, investing 240 millions in FaceBook to make FaceBook valuation 15 billions US dollar worthwhile. Google was keen to bought FaceBook in the first place. Will Google still acquired FaceBook if it’s know that there’s Microsoft investment in there?

Reminds me a lot of Corel’s case in end of the year 2000. Corel was the only company (aside Apple) that has everything to beat Microsoft in its backyard. It has it’s own linux distribution (Corel Linux, now sold to Xandros), and has ported all its office applications (Corel WordPerfect Office) and graphics applications (CorelDraw) to linux, makes it the only viable alternative for pushing Windows platform to the ground, but shorted in capital at the time. It went Chapter 11 (bankruptcy) and need some money to sustain its operational cost. While it has 130 millions cash in the pocket its market caps only worth 130 millions (you can actually buy that company for free rite?)… Toooo bad nobody sees it as an opportunity, instead Microsoft invested in that company and push Corel to stop its linux development.

In short, money talks! Dang! What happened to the bright ideas? Wake up lad, you’re living in the world of capitalism.

13 Responses to “New Digital Playground War?”

  1. Aa Nata Says:

    A mere 1.6 percent in stake equals to 240 millions US dollar. (100/1.6) x 240.000.000 US dollar equals to US dollar or ~ Rupiah.

    Sedihnya nilai duit negeriku 😀 Utang Indonesia = 700 Trilyun. Bikin 5 model bisnis FaceBook bisa kebayar tuh utang 😀

    Sarcasm: “Mana bisa pejabatnya gaptek semua” 😀

  2. idarmadi Says:

    @ Aa Nata : Utang Indon 700 Trilyun itu belum termasuk bunga lho…. Hitung ajah bunga sejak kita BLBI….

    Kalo merujuk karikatur Kompas kemarin, “yang ngurus kemana sih?” “lagi ngurusin pemilu 2009 kali…”

  3. Oskar Syahbana Says:

    @idarmadi: Itu karikaturnya kena banget hehehe. Lho kirain sudah bebas hutang IMF kita ini, ternyata…

    Itu valuasi Facebook gila-gilaan ga masuk akalnya (dengan kata lain: Mark Zuckerberg emang jenius!). Nanti kayak eBay lagi, write down pembelian Skype.

  4. starchie Says:

    #1 speechless
    #3 atau mungkin cuman “hype”, kok kayanya kalau dipegang sama m$ bakal letoy, login facebook + validasi vista/xp/nt :))

  5. Oskar Syahbana Says:

    @starchie: Hehehe, mudah2an sih ga gitu deh 😛 walaupun sebenernya gw lebih seneng Facebook dipegang sama Google dan Microsoft beli Yahoo.

  6. titin Says:

    ada yg pakai nokia e series gak? tuh hp bs buat telepon by voip, asyik deh bs telp ke LN dgn tarif 999/menit
    more info hub

  7. fisto Says:

    @oskar syahbana, wah setuju banget tuh, pengennya facebook dibeli google aja yah…

  8. adinoto Says:

    # titin Says:
    October 25th, 2007 at 5:07 pm e

    ada yg pakai nokia e series gak? tuh hp bs buat telepon by voip, asyik deh bs telp ke LN dgn tarif 999/menit
    more info hub

    => Walah E berapa nih mbak Titin? VOIP by application ato udah ada defaultnya disana? kalo by application harusnya semua yang bisa diinstall application voip bisa dong?

    *yang lagi nunggu 2 kiriman iPhone lagi buat oprekan, go go go open development tools for iPhone!

  9. Oskar Syahbana Says:

    SDK buat iPhone masih lama… 2 bulan lagi gitu lho. Mesen casingnya juga ga? Gw pengen beli juga donks, ini belakangnya gampang scratching

  10. Andre Raymond Says:

    tapi kok yang punyanya facebook pakenya mac yah? 😀

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