Predict: What Will Happen To Mac And You

Macintosh, Technology Add comments

I would like to outline some of future predict on what mac will be and how it’s gonna effect your computing experience in next 12-24 months time frame.

1. Apple will roll up MacBook (a.k.a Intel iBook) in less than 2 months. Start your saving now. It will run Mac OS X and Windows too. It will sport Intel Core Solo 1.67GHz and Duo 1.67GHz too. Price estimate 1,099.
2. Apple will launch Mac Pro (a.k.a Intel PowerMac) in Q2-Q3. Verdict It will run 64-bit Intel Conroe (Intel Core Duo successor) in Dual Proc Dual Core configuration (read: 4 logical CPUs), and the top configuration will run Quad Proc Dual Core that runs blazingly fast 8 CPUs… don’t hold your breath. Spend 3,299 dollar and you’ll get the fastest Mac OS X and Windows Vista 64-bit machine!! Price estimate 1,999 to 3,299.
3. Apple will release a wide screen full touch screen iPod in August… Bye bye Portal Player 😛 … It will the first wide screen iPod and kick Sony PSP out the market for-video-viewing gadget.
4. Apple will show Leopard demo on Developer conference on August. The final Leopard release will be on January 2007. Leopard will be able to run Windows application natively thanks to its Wine-like engine! Bye bye Windows!!
5. Apple will finally split its hardware business and OS/Application business. For you who don’t care about what OS you will run, you’ll get a sweet deal. Just buy Apple machine and load Linux or… of course Windows. Apple will focus more on its retail business.
6. Apple will let Mac OS X installable on generic PC in less than 24 months time frame!! It will start a whole new ball game to compete directly with Microsoft Windows Vista launch.
7. Steve will finally ask myself to be his man to handle Indonesia operation 😛

Hahaha… of course the last one is still a rumor 😀 …. Kidding 😛
So what’s your pick?… Will Apple ever be in your life in the next 12-24 months timeframe? I bet she will!!… Count on me guys!! 😀

27 Responses to “Predict: What Will Happen To Mac And You”

  1. rendy Says:

    not… spek detail buat point no 1 dong…

  2. macnoto Says:

    13.3″ widescreen Intel Core Solo 1.67GHz, 512MB RAM HDD, Combo Drive, how about that? 😀 … and iSight camera for everyone? 😀

  3. Cak Uding Says:

    Last point yang menggelitik nih. Hmmmm aku ngikut pak…wakakakaka. Jadi apa deh, aku biasa handel apple kok…wakakakakakaka. Perlu cold storage gede bisa aku settinging (gubrrraaaakkkkkkkk) loh kok malah ngomong apel buah….wakakakakaka

  4. jefri Says:

    om mac, kalo udah punya mac pro, boleh dong powerbooknya lempar kesini 😀

  5. Eep Says:

    kalau SJ jadikan meknoto country manager, lah batal dong jadi bupati di kalimantan..?

    finally…, bye-bye windows….
    hayo sapa mo beli mac simada gw….

  6. ada deh Says:

    wes aku pokokmen 15 perseeeeeeeeeen..ngaceeeeeeeeng…eh ngaceeeeeeeeeeer…

  7. macnoto Says:

    to ada deh:
    husss …. ayoo ayooo.. ojo lali tangi isuk senen hari pertama kerjomu wakakaka….

  8. macnoto Says:

    Cak, cold storage boleh juga tuh dipake untuk overclock wakakakkaa… 😀

  9. macnoto Says:

    Ep, mending buka tambak aja ya di kadungora garut wakakakaa… idup tentrem wakakaka… kayak semboyan bandung aja … tata tentrem brownies kukus wakakakaa.. loh? kok brownies 😀

  10. macnoto Says:

    wakakaka… jef, kalo buat opreker kernel pake acer + debian ato slackware aja lebih bikin tentrem ati :D… ato mau kita bikin milis opreker Darwin?

  11. iang Says:

    om noto, bikin darwin from scratch dong, biar ada tandingan linux from scratch .. hihihi..

  12. rendy Says:

    not… gw beli ma lu diskon brapa… ? :))

  13. macnoto Says:

    Iang, wakakaka.. boljug ya… gimana nih? mau bikin? khususnya x86 release, biar cepet OS X dibuka jadi generic install. Dan ngundang orang nulis driver yang banyak… dan tuning biar darwin ga melulu spin-wheel … wakakaka… biar lebih responsive gitu.

  14. macnoto Says:

    Ren, lu mau beli 30″??… Ah yang boneng wakakaka…. SRP 3,000++ loh!

  15. iang Says:

    dulu sempet kpengen bikin.. tp yaa.. pengen doang 😀

  16. sunardi Says:

    Point no. 1. would be realistic to me.
    Point no. 7. hahahahhaha….

  17. macnoto Says:

    Live should be in balance right wakakakaa…

  18. Adham Somantrie Says:

    wah kalo point terakhir jadi beneran… jangan lupa ama saya pak… ikutan jadi “orang apple” juga yah… 😀

    mesti nabung buat intelBook + iPod baru nih…. (tapi duitnya dari mana?) itu iPod baru kira2 berapa yah? mesti jual iPod Nano beberapa bulan sebelum launch iPod WideScreen nih…

  19. Hikmat Says:

    sorry sedikit nyimpang dari topik nih. salam kenal. saya hikmat. dulu biasa nulis tentang mac di majalah info komputer selama hampir 3 tahun (1996-1999 kalau tidak salah). sekarang saya baru bikin blog tentang mac juga. masih percobaan. silakan mampir di terima kasih. sekali lagi maaf.

  20. Pandji Gotama Says:

    yang 12″-nya core solo or duo Om? yang core-duo-nya kira2 harganya berapa?

  21. macnoto Says:

    Halo Mas Hikmat, saya tau anda karena ada baca edisi terakhir anda di Info Komputer soal “berantem” mana yg lebih bagus antara PC dan Mac wakakakaka… Saya jadi inget waktu nulis di tabloid Komputek tahun 1996 soal yang sama makanya saya cuma bisa ketawa aja wakakaka…

    Malah tadinya saya kira anda temen saya yang kebetulan mac user juga bernama Hikmat Natawigena 😀 … Ok salam kenal aja.

  22. Adham Somantrie Says:

    bukannya intelBook maupun yg Solo ato Duo, semuanya 13.3″ ?
    untuk kelas 12″, masih mengandalkan iBook PowerPC G4.

  23. Indrayana Tirtayasa Says:

    Alangkah lezatnya OS X di PC rakitan.. sluurrrps. (itupun kalo bener terjadi)

  24. Hikmat Says:

    Mas Noto, terima kasih. Wah….saya jadi ingat masa lalu nih. sekarang kaya’nya gak ada lagi majalah komputer yang punya rubrik khusus untuk Mac ya? atau mungkin saya salah. OK. saya suka banget blog anda.

  25. sipandu Says:

    eh mas noto, itu yang nomor 4 maksudnya kita gak perlu pake semacem bootcamp en install windows di leopard? langsung install aplikasi buat windows en jalan gitu?

  26. adinoto’s blog » Why There Will Be No PowerBook 12″… Welcome MacBook!! Steve, You’re The Man!! Says:

    […] As we predicted, there will be surely no PowerBook 12”. Bye-bye PowerBook 12”. Why. Simple. Read the tag. “Meet the Family. Now complete.”… Hahahaa… it’s ALL THERE. No more portable to hide. […]

  27. hanindyo Says:

    She? ahem He kaleee

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