Does Developer Tend To Loose Their Hair?

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I find something interesting when I watch the Ruby developer training… Most of the developers are start or already loosing their hair. Hmm… you might want to check out the screenshot. The second picture even showing everyone on the audience seats. Are you start loosing your hair??

11 Responses to “Does Developer Tend To Loose Their Hair?”

  1. Saya Says:

    Nope. But most of my hair turn to grey *-)

  2. rendy Says:

    :)) huakakaka…

    karena saya bukan developer = kehilangan isi dompet

  3. adinoto Says:

    Wakaka… Dam coba kirim skrinsot rambut elu sekarang ๐Ÿ˜€ … Ato jangan2 lu ada dibarisan di atas? huehhehee… ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Ronny Says:

    Yupe. On the top, at the back. Luckily it does not look like a monkey butt.

    When it becomes bad enough, I’ll shave my head off just like Agassi. I’ve tried shaving it off before, but not all the way, about 1-2 cm left, to see what I’d look like. I think I could get used to it.

  5. macnoto Says:

    hahahaa… I thought it was Aggassi ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. jefri Says:

    bwuahahha, om macnoto, gw bukan developer tapi mahasiswa cs yang ujung2x-nya entar juga jadi developer :p, ada hal menarik di kos2x-an gw yang isinya dari berbagai departemen. Nah anak2x cs, mengalamai tuh masalah kerontokan rambut :)), termasuk diantaranya gw :D. Tapi anak2x jurusan lain kayaknya ga ada yang mengalami tuh :p

  7. macnoto Says:

    laku kali ya jef jualan obat rambut anti rontok wakakaka.. ato jualan topi yang ada cooling fan nya biar ga ngebul tuh kepala :))

  8. Nugrahadi Says:

    kok tutornya ngga ya???

  9. indrayana tirtayasa Says:

    iya, betul om.. saya mengalaminya sendiri.. rambut rontok, mudah-mudahan gak sampai botak.

    kalo yang di screenshot itu pasti rata-rata developer yang udah puluhan tahun kalo begitu ya.

  10. adinoto Says:

    aduh ga tau tuh kudu tanya resepnya apa kenapa ga rontok wakakaka…

  11. Ronny Says:

    Nope, it’s Agassi, one G.

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