What Will Apple Bring On 12th October’s Announcement??

Macintosh, Technology Add comments

It’s the year 2005. It’s an exciting times for those who loves technology as much as the design itself. It’s the only company that backed all three industries, computer industry, animation industry and the music industry. It’s Apple. One thing for sure Apple loves secret! It’s been going for almost the year 2003 and forward. Steve loves to keep it everything secretive since the first success of launching iPod with Windows-compatible (it’s the 3rd generation iPod).

Now Apple brings back the game. The hide and seek game. The Special Event Announcement on the next 12th October. The invitation letter says “One More Thing…” So what will it be? Let’s your imagination run wild! Will it be the next generation Video iPod or Dual Core PowerMacs or G5 PowerBooks?… Please please gentlement… Share your thoughts and hopes, and let Steve’s team read it on those comments ๐Ÿ˜€ Hopefully your wishes will be come true ๐Ÿ˜›

For sure, you’ll be wanting more Apple’s than you’ll ever be. That the good thing about Steve coming back to the party!! Rage on!!

13 Responses to “What Will Apple Bring On 12th October’s Announcement??”

  1. adam Says:

    saya sendiri lagi ngincer ibook G4… tapi saya sendiri takut akan kehadiran the next iBook… iBook Centrino, hehehehe…

  2. Eep Says:

    Di, setelah melihat Apple akan menggunakan Intel, kemudian beberapa studio film di Hollywood yang mengganti mesin PowerMac nya dengan PC berbasis Linux untuk produksi filmnya, apa kesimpulan aku salah ga sih:
    Aku berkesimpulan bahwa yang hebat dari Mac adalah OS Mac itu sendiri, bukan dari mesinnya/hardware nya. Kalau dilihat mengapa studio film di Hollywood mengganti Mac-nya dengan PC Linux mungkin kah karena mereka kecewa hingga hari ini PowerPC belum mampu mengekor kecepatan prosesor Intel?
    Apa pendapat mu frend?
    Btw, mengapa SJ memilih Intel, bukan AMD? kali kamu tahu reason-nya Di?

  3. adinoto Says:

    Kang Eep, kalo Mac diinstall Windows ya bukan Mac lagi namanya. ๐Ÿ˜€ … Kecewa? Ga juga, PowerPC is a great processor, cuma ini masalah Apple ingin juga ngincer discount gede karena penggunaan total Intel termasuk chipset, board, dan can you say Xscale for iPods? ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. asiboro Says:

    semoga aja big secret itu new mactel haha, apple gak tahan sbb banyak yg gak jadi beli mac sebab powerpc mac is dead.

  5. Eep Says:

    bukan itu maksud ku, bukan mesin mac diinstalin windows. bagiku sih ga da pengaruhnya mau mesin Mac diinstallin windows, atau mesin PC diinstallin Mac. yang penting bisa buat nyari duit ga, itu aja… hehehe..
    maksudku kayaknya yang paling powerfull dari sistem Mac adalh OS nya itu sendiri, baru ditunjang oleh mesinnya. aku kira sih ga wortid install windows di mesin Mac, eta mah satu kemunduran atuh. aku cuman berpikir, salah satu alasan studio film di Hollywood pindah dari Mac ke PC based on Linux (not Windows yah), bukan karena OS Mac-nya yang tidak menunjang, tapi mungkin karena pertimbangan speed prosesor Mac yang belum memenuhi kebutuhan mereka gituh? CMIIW.
    aku cuman heran saja, kalau Mac begitu bagusnya, mengapa mereka ganti puluhan PowerMac dengan PC linux based?

  6. Eep Says:

    Bung adam………, kayaknya kita punya pikiran yang sama……… hahahaha….
    Jadi safety player juga ya…? Kadang kala nasib barang yang discontinu kurang menyenangkan hati. pengalaman di barang-barang audio. hari ini saya mau service laser disc player susah banget ya…
    kalau anda menunggu iBook Centrino, saya lagi nunggu MacIntel inside Dual core, glek….!!
    Eh Di…, alasan SJ pilih Intel bukan AMD juga kerana ngincer discount gede juga. denger-denger Intel berdagang ala kartel kataya..

  7. macnoto Says:

    Mactel pasti dual core kok. That’s the other reason why it will be compelling than most PC. Ganti Linux? mungkin masalah dealnya aja ga kesampean. Kalo gue yang approach bisa lain wakakaka…

  8. Pandji Gotama Says:

    surprise yang diharapkan: iBook G5 12″ yang batere-nya tetap se-irit sekarang…

  9. adinoto Says:

    wakakaka, sama dengan mengharapkan gue jadi boss apple, won’t happening :))

  10. The new iPod and iMac G5 at Simply Lotus Says:

    […] od.

    After launching the iPod Nano around one month ago. On 12th October 2005, Apple has launched the new iPod which could play music, podcasts and video, in lighter, thinner 30GB […]

  11. The new iPod and iMac G5 at Simply Lotus Says:

    […] od.

    After launching the iPod Nano around one month ago. On 12th October 2005, Apple has launched the new iPod which could play music, podcasts and video!, in lighter, thinner 30G […]

  12. hanindyo Says:

    It would be great if that Apple remote thing could be beep from the universal dock or through the iMac/boxes. So if you forgot / misplaced your apple remote, you could easily find it just by looking for the beeping sound..

  13. adam Says:

    ternyata ipod video! mudah2an di versi berikutnya nano juga bisa playback video.. *maunya, hehehehe*

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